Ai Graded Robotics & Coding Course

  • Fully automatic Ai Student & Teacher gradebooks
  • Meaningful criteria based feedback without providing answers
  • School classes or home use
  • Ai Coding Assistants
  • Robotics Simulators
  • Physical robotics challenges
    • ScratchBlocks, JavaScript, Python & Arduino
    • ScratchLink, Lego, Vex, Sphero, MakeBlock, Micro:Bit BeeBot etc
  • FlowChart Editor
  • WebPage Editor
  • Scratch Games (Blocks & JavaScript)
  • Coding, robotics & Digital Studies exams
  • Worksheets-Games-Quizzes
  • Designed by an experienced STEM teacher

Common Questions

Yes, StemAcademy is specifically designed to help students and teachers with no prior coding experience by utilising structured learning activities, robotics simulators along with Ai coding assistants and fully graded course activities.

No, you can do everything using ScratchBlocks if you choose however, we do have script coding activities.

Either use one of our predifined courses or use our drag and drop course creator to design a custom course for your class (along with matching custom GradeBook)

No, absolutely not. The Ai Assistants have been custom built by an experienced STEM teacher so that the Ai provides similiar guidance to that of a teacher such as worded suggestions and visual flowcharts for code improvements.

Block to script interpreters can be usefull learning tools in the right context for the right learners, however, they often provide a shortcut to writing script code without inherently learning much – furthermore when assessing students you can’t tell if they just clicked the “interpret” button on their block code or actually know how to write it from nothing so it greatly interferes with credible assessment and as StemAcademy grades all activities we feel that not having a block to code interpreter is best for promoting geniune student learning.

Start delivering enganging self grading coding and robotics today for Primary & Up.

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